This is our other princess that we are praying to come home. She is 15 years old (the picture in yellow clothes is recent).
Dear Everyone, Please be patient with my lack of blogging. We are working very hard at submitting and doing all the paperwork. Where are we now? Our homestudy is complete and we are assembling our dossier. We have also submitted our request to the USCIS. Please pray very hard because sometimes the paperwork and hoops seem endless. It is worth every penny and labor I know this with all my heart. I need to only look in my current children's eyes and see.
People ask "why do you do this?" some say "This is not your problem, let God take care of it." People this is our problem....God never intended the children to be unwanted and left alone because they could not fit into a persons life....because they don't talk, walk or look like that person. We must take care of those who cannot care for themselves. We must pray for those who are doing and come across obstacles. We must support those organizations that bring these orphans pictures to light such as Reeces Rainbow.
Please pray that every day, I am able to get at least one paper done for our dossier, please pray that I will have these childrens' medical doctors lined up for their care and a plan, as you know they are in starving mode and they will need medical attention as soon as they arrive. Please pray that all those involved with our process does not run into obstacles.